Tips to Get Up, Out of Bed, and Work Out

Virtually everyone can agree that getting up and having the motivation to work out in the morning is hard, to say the least. Once the alarm goes off, most people are pretty sluggish. They may begrudgingly get dressed to exercise, but they discover it’s pretty challenging to even get started, even if they are working out at home.

Rather than dragging around, maybe it’s time to start a new routine. Be sure to grab any Mueller braces and supports needed and get to working out with more motivation in the morning with the tips here.

Proper Hydration

Hydration is a crucial element before, during, and after a person works out. Before working out, be sure to drink plenty of fluids. It’s also essential to drink water while working out to reduce the chances that dehydration will occur. This is especially true if a person is planning to workout outdoors.

Once the workout is over, be sure to replenish the body’s electrolytes and to drink a lot of water. A great after-workout drink is milk, as it is full of vitamin D, sodium, potassium, and protein. Each of these is essential for muscle recovery.

Proper Fuel (Food)

There’s no question that food is a crucial component of a person’s training regimen. Eating before a workout provides the body with the fuel needed for top performance. The body needs proper nutrition to have energy.

It is a good idea to eat at least 30 minutes before working out. Select foods made up of simple carbohydrates along with some protein. Some examples of the types of foods to eat before working out include peanut butter, apples, a fruit smoothie, oatmeal, dried fruit, Greek yogurt, and bananas.

It’s just as important to eat after a workout. Muscle growth is increased when eating after decreased muscle breakdown and it can help to enhance a person’s recovery. It’s smart to eat within 45 minutes after working out. This is the best time to ensure that the muscles can fully absorb the carbohydrates and protein that is needed to provide sufficient muscle repair.

There’s no question that working out is great for the body. Giving the body the proper fuel, and support is essential. Food and water provide fuel, while knee braces and supports provide the support needed to help prevent injuries. Be sure to know what is needed by the body to get a great workout every morning, even on days it’s hard to get out of bed.
